Les personnages de Toussaint

« Not surprizingly, Toussaint’s apathetic protagonists are often at pains to make the world signify, despite their cultural and scientific competence. Indeed, all the protagonists have the same sociocultural status in common: they are intellectuals, scholars, business-people, and writers, in other words, they think for a living. But their privileged position in society in general, and in the intellectual community in particular, seems inversely proportional to their ability to map out and understand their respective environments. »

« [These characters] are [also] alienated figures, hovering between presence and absence, unwilling or unable to physically affect the course of the narrative»

(Jean-Louis HippolyteFuzzy Fictions, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2006, p. 48.)

On voit bien, ici, les problèmes interprétatifs et actionnels des personnages de Toussaint, emblématiques des personnages déconnectés : ils peinent à donner sens au monde et à influencer celui-ci et le récit.